Thursday, October 8, 2009

Doesn't a Mac need antivirus?

I recently shifted from a PC to a Mac and the first thing that popped into my head when I went online was, 'Don't I need to install firewall, antivirus, spybot, etc. first?' This might be common sense to long-time Mac users, but after being a long-term, nervous PC user for 12 years, I'm used to the fact that computers need 'protection' before they're networked to the world.

Doesn't a Mac need antivirus?antivirus protection

LOL, I thought the same when I first got my Mac. I bought and installed an AV and tried a trial Anti-Spyware program, for the time I had and ran them they both detected nothing, nada, zip. I eventually uninstalled them because they were just using up CPU and RAM resources for nothing. Now all I am using is the built in firewall along with my wireless routers firewall and my Mac is doing fine.

I'm not saying that Macs are virus free, it's just that there aren't any in the wild that will affect Mac OS yet. If you want to use/try them, go ahead. Just don't install any Norton products on your Mac. They will do more harm than good.

Doesn't a Mac need antivirus?computer repair

Well, firstly, with respect to the firewall, a simple, basic step to do is to go to System Preferences, and then under Sharing, turn everything off except the firewall which should be on.

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