Yes, I tried the menus. But, when I double-click the "Norton AntiVirus Installer" icon, it does nothing; then, a Finder pop-up says there is no Application to make it open. So, I use the "Show package contents" feature on my Mac, but there are several .pkg files on this. I unpack all these files, and finally find the app, but it says that it wasn't properly installed. I ask this question for two reasons: 1. Has this happened to any of the few Mac users on Yahoo, 2. Is there any way to open the installer or an app that can open the installer?
How do you install Norton AntiVirus on a Mac?avast
I thought Macs didn't get viruses
anyway you need Norton Antivirus FOR Macintosh
there are two versions one for windows and one for Macintosh
How do you install Norton AntiVirus on a Mac?ducati
You dont need it on a mac.
LOL you are going to mess up your Mac with that resource hog of a software. Got to Apple Discussion site and do a search fro Norton AV and you will get most if not all the topics on that that say Do Not Install Norton AV or some such thing.
If you really need an AV use ClamXav. It's made for and supported by a Mac user and best of all, it's free.
Don't install it, for two reasons.
First, Norton is terrible on a Mac. It causes more problems than it could possibly solve.
Second, anti virus software isn't really necessary on the Mac unless you want to protect PC users, but they should have their own anti virus software installed.
Go to the forums at
if you have more Mac related questions. They're better set up for followup questions and you'll get help from lots of experienced Mac users.
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