Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do you think i can get a virus if i only use mozilla for internet and turn my antivirus off?

im trying to find i way of how to make my computer go fast so what i found was that my mcaffee antivirus make my comp go slow becasue it has too much stuff so do you think i still can get a virus if i only use mozilla for internet and use zonalarm firewalland adwatch se professional for my security but when i see i have a virus i turn my mcaffe to san for viruses im trying to turn off my mcaffe becasue it uses too much mem usage

do you think mozilla can protect me from most viruses and spyware if i only use that as internet and use zonalarm and adwatch to prtect me from them and when i get a virus yust turn mcafee on

do you think i can get a virus if i go only on mormall site but nooooo porno or stuff like that by using mozilla

answer this question the ebst and ill pick u as the best answer!!!

Do you think i can get a virus if i only use mozilla for internet and turn my antivirus off?antivirus protection

Yes, you can still get a virus...if you're not careful that is. Try using's free and doesn't take up a lot of resources, unline McAfee.

Do you think i can get a virus if i only use mozilla for internet and turn my antivirus off?computer repair

Mozilla is overrated. You can and will continue to get spyware while using it. Viruses are more of a threat based on your internet activity. If you are worried about the speed of your comp I would recommend AVG antivirues from It uses less system resources than any other antivirus I know. It's not the most powerful, but it's ALOT better than Mcafee.
Yes, you can still get a virus. Not all viruses use vulnerabilities in the browser. And all browsers are vulnerable at one time or another.

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